Seattle Times Story about bag fee and foam ban
Seattle approves bag fee and foam ban
Beginning in January, shoppers must pay 20 cents for each plastic or paper bag they use at grocery, drug and convenience stores in Seattle. The Seattle City Council this afternoon also passed a ban on foam containers at food-service businesses that will take effect in January.
Seattle Times staff reporter
Beginning in January, shoppers must pay 20 cents for each plastic or paper bag they use at grocery, drug and convenience stores in Seattle.
The Seattle City Council this afternoon also passed a ban on foam containers at food-service businesses that also will take effect in January.
The city will distribute at least one free reusable bag per household, and it will consider providing more free bags to low-income shoppers.
"This is a voluntary fee," said Council President Richard Conlin, who worked with Mayor Greg Nickels on the proposal. "No one has to pay it. You only have to pay it if you choose not to use reusable bags."
If plastic and paper bags are now officially deemed a threat by the glorious Seattle City council, and must be taxed out of existence, what is next? Banning smoking in restaurants and bars? Oh, yeah, they've done that already. Ban fires on the beaches (due to the emissions of CO2, dontcha know)? They'll take that up again next year. Installing cameras in your home to ensure proper thinking and speaking? OK, I made that one up...